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Easyline manual bag placement stand


The Easiest Way to Select a Single Liner

Plascon Provides Bags for Manual and Automated Bag Insertion Systems

Increase Production

The use of the EasyLineTM Manual Bag Insertion system can increase the rate of bag insertion by up to 50%, lowering labor costs while greatly improving bag sanitation and workplace ergonomics.

In studies conducted, a typical worker can insert 200 bags into boxes in 1 hour. Using the round number of $10/hour for labor, that calculates out to a labor cost of $50/1000 bag insertions. Use of the bag insertion system can increase the rate of bag insertion by up to 50%, lowering labor costs in the example to only $33/1000 bag insertion.

Plascon produces bags for all automated bag insertion and polybag liner equipment including Pattyn Packaging, K&R Equipment, Niverplast, OK International Group, Pearson and Thiele Technologies.

We work directly with you to ensure that both the EasyLineTM bag placement system and the bags fit your specific application and machinery.

Perfect for Smaller Footprints

The manual bag insertion system is perfect for packaging all types of product that require a liner inside of a box or carton or bag-in-box packaging including:

  • Semi-Liquids – Oils and Fats, Process Cheese, Fondant Sugar
  • Frozen Foods – Fruit and Vegetables, Fish, Meat
  • Breads – Baguettes, Ciabattas, Buns, etc.
  • Powders – Spice mixes, flour, sugar
  • Food ingredients – Nuts, dried fruits, chocolate
  • Plastic Parts
  • Metal Parts
  • Resins
  • Pigments

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Mobile, with adjustable height, the EasyLine Stand can hold two wickets of different bags, one on each side.

Step One

First, the side of the bag is loosened and the hands can be put into the bag.

Step Two

If hands are pushed down, the bag is placed into the outside container – a box, carton, or crate.

Step Three

The rear side is loosened automatically. The procedure is up to 50% faster than traditional bag insertion methods such as using bags on a reel and inserting individually.

Learn More About Our EasylineTM Manual Bag Placement System

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